Card Reader 2.0

Challenging the status quo through hardware and software UX innovation.

The idea was simple really. In order to add a better UX for point-of-sale users (both customers and merchants), we would need to add a larger screen. This presented a potential increase in BOM costs.

My concept centered around the notion that all merchants and their employees already possessed a high resolution display, battery and data connection. They simply needed to dock their mobile device inside of a new PayPal device with a translucent cover so that they could interact with the smart phone screen and corresponding PayPal merchant app.

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Status Quo

Card readers were quickly coming to market. Square had just launched this $50 version. Paypal’s own dated version still cost $150 at the time and had a very tiny calculator-like screen. This was not acceptable in the market as a leader.

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Rapid Prototyping

Once again, I reached for my favorite design tools: foam core and a hot glue gun. In one hour I was able to draw some industrial design CMF touches in Adobe Illustrator, printed that out and created a small foam core model with a slot for a phone and a slit for a credit card. Using wizard-of-oz techniques and choreography I teach in my prototyping workshops, I was able to demonstrate my concept the very same day to leadership and later to IP counsel.

PayPalParker Kuncl